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Sundance Saloon is a project of the nonprofit
Sundance Association for Country-Western Dancing.
Free Admission Night Sunday, February 23
Sundance Saloon
We’ll have free admission on Sunday February 23, thanks to someone celebrating a birthday who has pre-paid for everyone on that night. We may or may not reveal the name of our benefactor. You'll have to come to Sundance Saloon to find out, or not!
Oscar Night Sunday, March 2 • Special early opening at 4:00 pm
Bonus Line Dance Marathon 4:00–5:30 pm
Sundance Saloon
Don't want to have to choose between the Academy Awards and dancing? You don't have to! Sundance Saloon will open early at 4:00 pm on Sunday, March 2 to present the Academy Awards on the big screen in the Back Room turned into a gorgeous viewing lounge. Popcorn included!
We'll take advantage of our extended hours to have a bonus line dance marathon in the main ballroom from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. Then we'll have lessons as usual in the Main Room from 5:30 to 7:15, followed by open dancing. And, since this the first Sunday of the month, we'll also have our birthday dance for folks with March birthdays. Regular Sunday admission $7.
March Birthday Dance Sunday, March 2
Sundance Saloon
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the birthdays of everyone who has a birthday during that month. One dance is designated when we invite the birthday folks to the dance floor, and everyone gets a chance to take turns dancing with them. We also provide the cake!
If your birthday is in March, we'll see you on Sunday, March 2! (This is also our Oscar Night, when we'll show the Academy Awards in the back room.)
West Coast Swing with Michelle Kinkaid
• Beg-Plus 3-wk series (5:15-6:15 pm)
• "Mini-privates" for any level (7:00-8:30 pm)
Sunday, March 16-23-30
Sundance Saloon • Loft
Four-time US Open Swing Dance Champion Michelle Kinkaid will teach West Coast Swing at Sundance!
Beginning-Plus WCS - 3-week series, March 16-23-30, 5:15-6:15 pm with directed practice 6:15-6:45. Requires some familiarity with WCS basics such as underarm turns and 8-count whips. $20. Advance registration required.
"Mini-private lessons" - Michelle will be available for mini-private lessons when you can have her all to yourself for 10 minutes for $10, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Register now for March 16, March 23, and/or March 30.
Sundance Reno Round-Up Sundance's 4-day CW dance weekend at the WGRF
October 9–12, 2025 • Reno, NV
Sundance is going to host a full-fledged country-western dance weekend in conjunction with the World Gay Rodeo Finals in Reno, Nevada, October 9–12, 2025. We'll have four nights of dancing in up to two rooms, three days of dance workshops in up to three rooms, dance exhibition performances. and more! It's going to feel a lot like the Sundance Stompede without it actually being the Sundance Stompede. The weekend will also host the 30th annual convention of the IAGLCWDC.
Advance registration is open now! The host hotel is a complex of three adjacent casino resorts known as "The Row." Check out more details here, including a a more comprehensive list of our offerings, and biographies of our instructors.
Clogging at Sundance Saloon Thursdays • 6:30–8:30 pm (not Feb 27)
Sundance Saloon: Loft
The Barbary Coast Cloggers are bringing their clogging classes to Sundance Saloon every Thursday. Clogging lessons take place upstairs in the loft, while our regular programming of two-step and line dance lessons continues on the ground level.
The schedule is:
6:30-7:10 - Easy Level
7:10-7:50 - Intermediate Level
7:50-8:30 - Advanced Level
The classes are drop-in and there is no additional fee beyond the regular Sundance Saloon admission.
NOTE: There will be no clogging offered on Thursday, February 27.
Line Dance Pro Sundays (except 1st Sun of month) • 5:00–6:30 pm
Sundance Saloon • Back Room
Can't get enough line dancing? Line Dance Pro is an opportunity to increase your line dance abilities and challenge yourself with new line dances not included in our regular Sundance Saloon repertoire.
Our Line Dance Pro sessions run every Sunday in the Back Room of Sundance Saloon (except the first Sunday of the month)! Includes lessons starting at 5:15 pm, except the last Sunday of the month which features a line dance marathon. Check the Sundance Saloon instruction calendar for the schedule.
Volunteers Needed
Please help us! Sundance Saloon is a community effort, dependent on lots of people chipping in a little bit. We are always looking for more help. If you have not volunteered in the past, this is a great time to think about stepping in. You can become an integral part of what makes Sundance so special.
Our needs at Sundance Saloon include set-up, front door, and coat-check. Shifts are generally one hour. No experience necessary.
Supporting Sundance
As an all-volunteer, member- and community-supported organization, the Sundance Association depends on your support to keep thriving. The pandemic put an extra burden on our finances, and our needs are never-ending. There are many ways to help us, and not all of them involve monetary contributions:
Become a member of the Sundance Association by pledging an annual tax-deductible donation.
Come on down! Support us just by showing up.
Introduce someone new to Sundance Saloon.
Use our coat-check on Sundays.
Put a dollar or two in one of our tip jars.
See if your company offers matching donations or grants for volunteer time served.
Social media! Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram. Share our posts. Share your own posts. Review us on Google, Yelp, Facebook, and Tripadvisor.
M = Main Ballroom • B = Back Room • L = Loft
Partner dance lessons: 5:30 pm Sunday & 6:45 pm Thursday. Line dance lessons: 6:30 pm Sunday & 7:30 pm Thursday.
Line dance titles and levels indicated in calendar.